Crystal Cat


I’m at a fascinating place to observe right now.

Have I ever experienced this before?

Is is an aberration? Is it normal? Will it shift?

It’s like all the “will” has left my Life.

I’ve done, literally, all I have wanted to do.

I have traveled, worked, ridden . . .

Flown, loved, slept . . .

The only thing that seems to interest me right now, is writing.

Some reading, but mostly writing.


What about my horses?

Why not ride???

I just don’t have the urge.

Why not anything else???? Anything physical, like I used to do, my whole Life?

Maybe it’s normal to want a time to come down off of a physical Life like mine. Physical work and labor. Toil, travel and sweat.

(I’m still working, although less in the last two weeks — I blew out my wrist, and am on a forced hiatus.)

But that, alone, isn’t it.

Oh yes, the weather turned bad. Thunderstorms and hail and pounding rain. Washing out roads and such, thwarting our rides-to-be up Mt. Pinos for two consecutive late summer weekends.

But not even that, is really “it“.


It’s like my “wind-up doll” unwound.

And it’s sitting on a heap on the floor.

But, I just don’t care.

Motivation: Zip. Nada. Nothing!



So, can I make peace with this phase/stage of my Life?

Or do I ROAR like a lion, to (try and) shift it???

It’s like I’m sick, without the sickness.

Forced down time . . .


So I might as well find a way to enjoy this new phase of mine.

Set my sights on shifting what I can. Accepting what I cannot shift . . .

(See my Yoda Story)

I must thank God for ALL things, the Good and the bad — for things just like this.

Force myself to do the little that I can, and appreciate that.

:)) Dawn-who-must-everkeep-Seeking


(Strategies to use at times like this: my Depression Emergency Kit, and The Assignment, Guide to Greater Happiness.)


Copyright 2017

17 thoughts on “Fascinating!


    Our lives consist of various stages, and we can’t always pick and choose when they will arrive and in what order. We just know that there are lessons to be learned from each one. Sometimes, it is time for us to just halt and listen. Sometimes, it is a way of getting our attention to turn to another task that needs expression. All is well. Trust in God. He knows what He’s doing, even if we don’t. I send you love and patience.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dalo 2013

    I love the opening shot and words “Is it an aberration? Is it normal? Will it shift?” ~ this usually is the result of observation and contemplation…two things I love to do in life πŸ™‚

    As is there not any better way to live through the peaks and valleys of life, other than doing our best and knowing that when it is dark, light will soon follow. About your riding, this will be tough…with the wrist injury, I think this will bother you the most. But just being with them should make you enjoy the down time too. Wishing you well.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Yes — already moving through it, just by writing about it . . . that wonderful healing balm of self-reflection/self-expression and self-examination :)) (Also read over my Depression Emergency Kit for a reminder of the ACTION I can take, and again, the funk is lifting :)) Thank you, Dalo :)) Best to you!!!


  3. RSB

    I know exactly how you feel. Been there before. I went with it at the time. There was no point in going against the flow. I hope your wrist is better. Thank you for sharing this article.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      :)) Yes — just writing and observing my self-process actually helped. (And sympathetic comments and likes are soothing as well :)) Amazing that these funks are rare these days for me (my strategies really have helped!!!) Resting the wrist — it has to get better — it’s an integral part of my livelihood!!! I’m sure it’s a piece of a bigger insight/lesson, and I’m doing my best to learn from it :)) Take care!!! And thanks for your kind comment :))

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Samantha

    I am sorry to learn you feel this way. But please know that all bad days are followed by better ones eventually. You might feel low and out of energy at the moment, but things will turn around. Don’t think you’ve done everything you’ve wanted – yet! Something new will find you, don’t worry!

    And if nothing else works, just keep blaming the weather! πŸ˜‰ I always get lethargic around the changing of the seasons (EVERY time, Winter-Spring and Summer-Fall I lose bucket loads of energy for no apparent reason, and I feel restless and unmotivated). Give or take a few weeks and I am back to my old self.

    You take care of yourself now, Dawn. Take your time and something new and exciting will surely come your way πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Thank you so much, Samantha :)) Amazing how just writing helps . . . just observing, rather than stuffing it all. And I agree with the weather change thing, thank you for pointing that out! Our animals (horses, ie) go through many changes with the weather, too. They seem more susceptible to illness and strange conditions when the seasons change. So it makes sense it would affect us too!

      Take good care, Samantha. Sip a great cup of coffee . . . :)) :)) (apples and cheese and chocolate help, too :)) And let me know when you travel to Southern California — you have an invite to come see me :))

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wind Kisses

    I thought I responded to this, and upon checking I see I did not. You are amazing. I think the time and energy you took to write this not only cleared your head, but probably spoke to so many others. Do ROAR once in awhile thought just for the simple laughter that will follow. Stay well, my friend. This was beautifully written.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. heartofahorsewoman

    There is a time to rest. But more…. I too am living that place where all the dreams, drives and challenges seemed to have been accomplished. And all is new. New home, new love, new physical reality, but with that, new wisdom… a distillation of matter into spirit, evolving back to where we came from. Knowing the autumn of my life, beginning to slowly allow it’s presence to be seen… not yet welcoming it, not truly accepting it but knowing it is the only way through. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We are not alone in our process. The beauty is the sharing of the wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Thank you! That is so beautifully put, “a distillation of matter into spirit . . . ” That is what it feels like! And it helps to know that I am not alone in this surprising transformation — yet I got out and rode twice this week, simply magic! It’s that balance that we seek. That spark. Even if it happens less frequently than in our horse years past :))



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