Dawn roses photo

Beacon (Soul) Friends

I identified them first, years ago.

The few special friends (Souls) that seem to stand out, and light up my way in Life.

Like a lamp. Like a lighthouse.

Illuminating beacons — like the bright sparkling lights alongside the landing strips of Life.

Welcoming. Reassuring.

Reminding me that I haven’t lost my way.

We may not have spoken in months. Years. Nothing lost. Still connected. Welcoming. Loved.

We pick up where we left off. Seamless. They GET me. Cut me slack. Wish me well.

Susan Smiling :))


How many of these Beacon Friends might you have? Who are you set up to meet right now that might become one? What would you need to do, in reciprocation, to allow that special Beacon Bond to mature?

Looking back now, I didn’t always know it when I met them. Oftentimes, they caught me off guard.

Sometimes we drifted way, way apart.

Even, perhaps, they appeared seemingly unwelcome at the time.

But a Beacon Friend will stitch, with serendipity, back into your Life. Often in unexpected ways.

And over time they prove themselves. Solid. True.

And over the decades you come to respect them. Love them. Find encouragement and serendipity in their light :))

Silhouette Girl on Horse


Yet, like a magical, whimsical Sprite, they cannot be forced. Coerced. They choose who they will, and arise of their own accord.

Sometimes, someone we have high hopes for, who we think would become a Beacon, fizzles. Fades away into the distance. Not to be seen or heard from again.

Sometimes, too, they will by surprise re-appear, seemingly on a larger trajectory. (Not all planetary bodies orbit at the same rate. Some are closer. Others farther out . . . )

So when your Beacon Friends re-appear on the stage of your Life, take note. The Stars are trying to tell you something.

Lani Kai Cloud

Listen. Look. Be ready.

They were put here to bring you a sign.

Don’t miss it!

Remain grateful. Gracious. Open.

Their coming could save you from running aground on some sharp reef. Or crashing into the abyss by missing some important runway.



Like what you’ve read here? Visit Dawn’s sister blog: Soul Horse Ride

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Orb Trees on Pinos


Copyright 2017

Portrait of Dawn with Blossoms, courtesy of: Beacon Sister, Robin Bobin :))

28 thoughts on “Beacon (Soul) Friends

    1. DawnSeeker Post author

      Yes!!! Brings tears to my eyes — like beautiful artwork. How rare and special these Souls are to us :)) We are very, very blessed to share Life with them. Enjoy your adventures :)) :)) !!!!!


    2. DawnSeeker Post author

      I just looked over your blog, saw the beautiful baby pic (reminding me of my two!), went back further, and realized that I found you through your Water Birth post!!!! So wonderful :)) :)) My first daughter was an outdoor birth on Molokai (1986). We swam her at two hours old, in a tidepool there, and swam her daily. My second was a Water Birth at home in our Malibu beach house. She also swam, in the COLD Pacific ocean, and now, she body surfs in the cold water off of Half Moon Bay almost every day. You will enjoy her music: https://ellaharp.com/ Nice to connect with you :)) I think we are a rare breed!!!


      1. Aquaholic Journey

        It is ALWAYS a measure to find a kindred spirit. I love hearing about your birth stories and your love of the water. What a beautiful way to bring up your girls. I follow your second daughter now, so thank you for sharing! It is wonderful connecting with you as well.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Dalo 2013

    Wonderful post and poem Dawn ~ such Beacon Soul Friends are the best, and you have a line that describes them so perfectly: “the bright sparkling lights alongside the landing strips of Life…” They will always be there. Cheers to a great day ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker Post author

      Thank you, Randall :)) your Beacon sines very, very bright. Amazing timing for you to re-surface in my blogging life :)) By the way, check out my daughter’s music. She’s coming out with her first album of original folk/blues music on her Celtic harp, and it’s amazing!!! Cheers :))



      1. Dalo 2013

        Wow, what an incredible talent ~ voice, harp and how I look forward to her album. Love it! Also, her first sentence on her blog is simply perfect: “Technically I was born in a horse trough” 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. DawnSeeker Post author

          :)) yes — definitely non-conventional! She really is amazing. You can take a kid to music lessons all you want, but you cannot make them into musicians. That has to come from within (same with photography, and any other art :)) Her CD will be out soon :))


      1. Dalo 2013

        Well…I had planned to hike up a mountain here in the PNW, but will instead head back to my home town, and doubtful I will be able to shoot the eclipse but will definitely be out enjoying it with family and friends 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker Post author

      Me too :)) :)) Isn’t that wonderful :)) The mare that my horse herd is descended from, Fanta, was born in 1979. I got her as a yearling in 1980, and loved her, trained her, rode her, bred her . . . the rest of her long, productive life. In fact all of my four horses are her offspring. Really cool to have a continuation of her lovely bloodlines :))

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wind Kisses

    I loved this, as I do all of your thoughts. Like most people, those beacon friends are pretty special. As someone who moved so much those friends are a necessary blessing, a lifeline. It’s true,”they get me, they cut me slack, they wish me well”. Thanks for this Dawn. Beautiful picture of you too. Enjoy the remainder of your summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marija Smits

    I love the idea of a ‘beacon friend’ – yes that is exactly the right name for those friends who are always there for you; with whom you can pick up the thread of friendship at any time. Thank you for this. (And lovely photos, by the way.)

    Liked by 1 person


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