Self-shadow shot

Overcoming Injury ~ Life Lessons

Life is great when all’s going well :))

No problem!

But what about when stuff goes South?

When illness or injury stops our earning, or enjoyment, poof! — mid-stride.

Dawn Starboy and Aria

Dawn with Starboy and Aria — Note the size relationship between human bones and horse bones — note wrist!

Wrist Injury!

So sometime later on this summer, I injured my wrist, and was unable to work for nearly three weeks . . .

(For those of you who don’t know, I work as a farrier — trimming and shoeing horse hooves — a very physical job that demands much strength from every part of a complete, strong, physically fit body!)

I’m thrilled to be back to work now, and I wrote this piece somewhere in the midst of the healing, as a reminder of how to deal when an injury happens.


Previously Hurt

Unfortunately, this (left) wrist has been injured before.

First, about four years ago, working on a very strong mare who resisted me — over and over — with her right front leg.

(You see, in order to work trimming or shoeing a hoof, the horse must cooperate. Yield. Or nothing can get done.)

Eventually, I finally got the shoe on — I’ve always been strong.


But after shoeing the mare that day, it felt like my wrist had broken!

And as it turned out, radiographs later showed, it had!

Hairline fracture.

Just from trying to restrain the pressure of the big mare throwing her leg forward, over and over, in resistance.

Big Mare Hoof

Innocent looking hoof — capable of breaking a wrist!

Ever since then, I’ve kept that wrist in a brace/wrap while working.

(I know, with the weight and forces a horse is capable of — just a twist and a lean the wrong way could tweak it, strain it — or even break it, all over again.)

It’s an honor-system agreement I have with myself:  Keep brace on!

And it’s worked wonderfully, until about a month ago . . .

DawnHoof Horse Shoeing Gear

Me with my Horseshoeing gear :))

So I ask myself:

What happened?

How did I injure it, even with the brace on?

How can I take better care of my wrist, my entire self? Prevent this, or another,  painful, work-shattering event from happening again?

What lessons have I learned in the three weeks I wasn’t able to work?

(Note the physical riggers of working on horses hooves . . . )


I must have gotten cocky.

Everything with my body (and my physically demanding work), was going along well.

I felt great! Top of my game.

And then I got in some new work.

Thrilled at the opportunity to both help my new client and earn some much needed money, I started in.

Two solid weeks of work.

And tucked into the midst of that, two very difficultly behaved horses.

Resistance! Over and over again! Stressing all my stamina.


But I’m tough!

No worries — I held up.

Kept on going, no matter what!

(“Die Hard Dawn!”)

Shoeing Horses -- Shadow Jeep

Shoeing horses, end of day — Shadow Jeep

So how did I tweak it, even with the brace on?

The straw that broke my wrist (again!) was a definite break in my usual work routine.

At the end of the two straight weeks, more work than I’d been doing, I had to trim hooves on an older, arthritic horse who can barely lift up his hind legs.

The weather was hot. The hooves were dry — hard as steel. And my friend’s husband is pretty good at helping me squeeze the nippers in these dry hoof conditions.

So I decided to try a new strategy.

I held the heavy hind hooves up, first the right, then the left, for maybe five minutes each . . . with all the arthritic weight of the large horse pushing onto my hand, pulling on my wrist, while my friend’s husband crouched down and worked the nippers.

It didn’t hurt at the time. I really didn’t know til later  . . .

By later on that night, both wrists were sore. Unusually so.

The right, previously uninjured one, healed in a few days.

But the joint on the left (previously injured) wrist, pulled completely apart.

“Subluxation” :(( affecting tendons, ligaments — full blown PAIN and weakness!!!

Monstro's Mouth!


At first, my wrist just HURT.

Then I saw my Osteopathic doctor.

He snapped the joint back in place . . . it felt fantastic!

But I worked on a horse later on that same evening, and it went out again. Immediately.

Then it went completely gimp!


(Regardless of wearing the wrist brace!)

OUCH!!! It HURT!!!!

Now, even the weight of holding a phone was too much for it . . .

(Not a good sign, if your work involves lifting the legs of thousand-pound horses!)

Lenticular clouds

And I finally realized I had to STOP working!

Lay off all hoof work in order to let it mend.


“Time Heals”

That’s what they say.

But I know, it takes even more.

It takes good practices in both the physical realm, and the metaphysical.

The mental, as well as the Spiritual.

Good care and good thinking.

Going up into Love and Light, and focused Goodness.

Hawaiian Blossom


So I went up into my Light-God-Goodness space, and applied the following:

“Good wrist, good baby!!!!”



“Thank you for being quickly healed!”



“You will get better . . .”



“You are better!!! You are well!”



“You’re such a tough, hard worker . . . “

Time off.

Let it heal . . .

“I’m grateful for all you’ve done.”

Ignore the pain . . .

Focus on the good.

“All things, even this, work together for good . . . “

Round Rainbow

And I set about working on other aspects of my Life.

Uplifting. Affirming . . . Ignoring.

Reading. Writing. Journaling.

Overcoming, as best as possible.

Working my Life Strategies.

(See my: Depression Emergency Kit)

Window into Flight

Lessons Learned

And the take-home lessons from this incident are many.

  • No more working on really bad, resistant horses. When these come up, I’m putting down my tools, packing my car, and walking away!
  • Once again, watch for breaks in my usual routine. (No bowling!) A break in routine can trigger an unfortunate accident or incident. (See: Anatomy of an Accident)
  • Be VERY GRATEFUL for the physical ability to do my wonderful, satisfying horse hoof work! It’s a great blessing that my body has held up — not every body can do what I do.
  • Be thankful, appreciative and take good care of the physical condition and abilities I have :))
  • Realize I’m in a different phase of my life now — in my 60s. (Not my 30s or 40s or 50s!) Pace myself. Set my good boundaries.
  • Love my abilities. Love my horses. Enjoy my Life’s beautiful ride!

White Horse in Green


So when illness or injury happens. When things go South:

Remember, there’s always a series of Life Lessons involved.

  • Immediately affirm Goodness — “I am fine! All is well! I am safe and protected!”
  • Take necessary ACTION to resolve the problem.
  • Re-write my mental thought patterns.
  • Learn what I can from the experience.
  • Stay in Gratitude and Love.

And discover fresh awareness from the events.

Take good care of myself!

Shine. Love. Give!

Molokai Egret Preening


In reviewing this piece, now that the healing is complete, I’ve noticed that I’ve changed my Life in several wonderful ways:

  • I’m much happier now :)) (Previously I had been working too much, and had been in a bit of a funk.)
  • I’ve been riding my horses more and really appreciating and enjoying them!!!!
  • I’m more in-tuned with my inner, intuitive voice. I’m listening first, and acting later :)) :)) :))
  • I’m less worried and less stressed about finances, and more certain that all will continue to manifest and be here, as needed, as it ALWAYS, somehow, has! :))
  • I’m really, really glad I can still do my awesome hoof and horse work!!!!!!! :))
  • I’m grateful for my wonderful Life and all the Goodness and strength I have :)) :))

So remember: When stuff happens to us that appears to be bad, Good abides. Right along side.

Bless it! Transform it. Learn from it.

This too shall pass . . .

And we will come out the other side stronger, better, renewed!

:)) :)) :))

(See My Yoda Story — and remember, it’s true! :))

Molokai Rainbow


                  Find out more about Dawn’s HoofCare Services and Soul Horse Rides in the Frazier Park Outback of Southern California :))


Please visit Dawn’s sister blog: Soul Horse Ride

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El Rancho Viejo


Copyright 2017

45 thoughts on “Overcoming Injury ~ Life Lessons

  1. kristiemcotton

    I will re read this quite often ..I can relate so much as I broke both wrists not staying connected or using my intuition. I really like how you were able to describe in words what it takes to surrender and overcome. Glad you are healed, you look really tough and talented with horses as well!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Ouch!!! BOTH WRISTS :(( How long ago did you break them, and did they fully heal?) Yes, I wrote this so that I can re-read it, as well. No sense re-inventing the wheel of Life’s lessons. Better to learn them this time around, and apply the lessons to whatever comes up in our future :)) Thanks for the kind response :)) Dawn


      1. kristiemcotton

        Hi Dawn! I broke them in 2013 had to have plates and screws, then had them out in 2015 because they were misplaced and shredded my tendons. I still have so many troubles especially in cold weather. Like you, I have to work and love helping horses. Just don’t do too much too soon, magnetic wrist braces help at night 🙂 I’m so glad you posted this and although it gives you such passion to help the ornery ones, just stick to the well behaved until you can truly heal!! Keep us posted 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

          Yes — sticking to the well-behaved horses is very good advice :)) I have also found magnets to be helpful!!! I have them under my wrist brace. (The magnets help horses, too. I have them crafted into my custom saddle pads!) Best to you! And have you tried taking MSM to help with your wrist pain? It helps with all my horse/incident/muscle/strain and pain issues.

          By the way, did you see these posts on Carl Hester?

          Liked by 1 person

  2. tanjabrittonwriter

    I am glad to hear you have healed, Dawn. I think it takes most of us time to learn life’s lessons, with false starts and detours. But it’s good to reach a point where we feel that even those dark times served a valuable purpose.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      :)) So true! My favorite Joni Mitchell lyric: “Life is for learning . . . ” — and as the clock of my lovely Life ticks and tocks, I do my best to fulfill that mission :)) Again, writing it all out enables me to preserve the treasure :))

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wind Kisses

    So true Dawn. Lots of deep breaths these days. Some one wiser then me once said; maybe you can’t do everything the way you used to do them or want to do them, but there is still “Donna”. I had no response. Truth is, it is our character and our approach to life that defines us, the rest of it are just parts that helped mold that definition. Nice read Dawn. Have a nice weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ladylucki

    Thanks for following my blog. I found yours interesting so followed you. I will be doing another horse in the spring, with rider – hopefully a good fence jumping scene. In the meantime, I think I will be drawing many horses to get more familiar with shapes and structures. Hope your injury heals well. Fast might be good too, but better at the right speed…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Snuffy

    I am dealing with an injury as well (dislocated/crushed shoulder) and focusing on gratitude through all the disappointment is the only thing helping me get through! Thanks you for the reminder. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Yikes — so sorry to hear of your injury. Mine is improving vastly right now, and I am very grateful!!! Writing about it really seemed to help, along with all the other sensible strategies. Do you know about MSM? It’s been a big strategy of mine for helping heal all kinds of pain, strains and injuries. We use it for horses, too. Best to you!!!


    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Thank you :)) Merry Christmas to you and your family. Right now we have a brightly lit tree here in our living room. Had our first windy snow storm last night — now clear skies, a warm fire in the hearth, and a calm, silent night tonight :)) Hallelujah!!! :))


  6. murraylaidlaw

    I broke my collarbone in October 2017, for nearly fifty years I have had no qualms about working off steps, ladders or platforms. I was about five feet up plus my own height, another five feet eight inches and I lost concentration momentarily and stepped off the wrong side of the steps. Long story short, the pain was instant and intense. I gouged the back of my leg where I broke the aluminium stay that held the steps open and landed on the my shoulder breaking my collarbone badly. I also broke several ribs. “Best practice” (in the UK) is now not to operate unless unavoidable but it obviously takes much longer to mend. I’m back for an x-ray 1st February so fingers crossed it’s back in one piece.

    It’s certainly true that as we get older we need to be wiser and take fewer risks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Yikes! Hope you heal well — my go-to healing remedy is MSM. Look into it and see if that helps. Best to you!!!! Happy to say, I’m doing very well with my wrist right now — off to shoe a couple horses today :)) take good care!!! Dawn


  7. doubledacres

    People don’t seem to realize how tough it is to be a farrier. Being hurt is not an option. Long story short , I ended up with a bruised spleen and two broken ribs. I was shoeing horses 3 days later. You are one tough lady. You have to be. You are a farrier. Good luck in life and thanks for sharing b

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

      Yes, being hurt is part of what we farriers find a way to — somehow — tolerate and rise above. We are certainly a tough crew. I’m in my 30th year now!!! And I’m much more picky as to which horses I’ll walk away from, and how many I’ll do in a day. Best to you, heal well :))

      Liked by 1 person

                  1. doubledacres

                    God love you woman, you just made my day. My buddy in Indiana had shod a navicular horse and sent pics. He then said I wish you could have been here and I said me too at which time WordPress sent your message. Thank you!

                    Liked by 1 person

                  2. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

                    Pulled fronts on a Welsh Cob tonight and trimmed his dry feet — the sharp edge of his hoof cut my inner forearm, ouch! . Haven’t drawn blood in a long while, thankfully. But that sometimes happens, as you know. At least it wasn’t a finger smashed by a hammer!!! :))

                    Liked by 1 person

                  3. doubledacres

                    Thank goodness you are ok. What I hated was the ones who pulled back just as soon as the nail popped through. Had one do that one time and it got my leg just under my apron. Put about a 7inch gash in my leg. Rolled up pants s leg sprayed it with iodine, glued it with super glue, wrapped in vet wrap then shod the other two.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  4. DawnSeeker / DawnHoof Post author

                    You are one tough farrier dude! My Uncle Ink, who originally taught me farriery, (he shod for 60 years), had scars everywhere. After seeing all the damage done to him, I started out wearing gloves, and have, ever since (except on my right hammer hand, when nailing). Nonetheless, it’s dangerous work, although we still love it.

                    You might enjoy my recent post:

                    Liked by 1 person

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