White Horse in Green

You Gotta Wanna

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my Grandmother these days, as my daughter expects her first child, and I’m preparing to move into the first-time Grandmother role.

Through her wisdom and calm demeanor, Grandma Warby instilled values and confidence in me even beyond what my parents could. Let’s hope I succeed in carrying the tradition on :))


You Gotta Wanna 

Grandma had a saying

I still can hear her tell:

Talent alone won’t make you great,

But an inner quality will.

Holiday at Grandma's

She said: You gotta wanna,

What ‘ere you do in life —

And that your burning passion 

Overcomes obstacles and strife.

Hula Cousins

My Dad was a musician,

I thought I’d be one too.

But then I found I didn’t want

It bad enough, thank you!

That's me with my Breyer plastic horses in Grandma's back yard

That’s me with my Breyer plastic horses in Grandma’s back yard

My very first love was horses —

They filled my heart with joy.

I thought about them day and night

As if a favorite toy.


Whenever we’d drive by one,

I’d get all excited and shout:

“Oh mommy, there’s a horsey!”

My sisters wanted to throw me out!

Pink Horse

I day-dreamed during lunchtime

At junior high each day —

And finally my dad and mom

Got me a horse: Hurray!!!

Side Saddle (watermark)

So what do you s’pose I do in life?

I work with them each day.

Lots and lots of horses —

Chestnuts, grays and bays.

Shoeing Gear

I nail on the horseshoes.

I trim up the toes.

I make sure they’re balanced to

Stride their best where ‘ere they go.

Soul Horse Riding

And now all these years later,

What Grandma said holds true.

You really gotta wanna

For your dreams to come to you!

Self-shadow shot


For more about Dad and his music, see: You Can Do ANYTHING! , and Aviation: Family of Flying

For more on shoeing horses, see: HoofCare Services


Shadow Dawn & Angel

Like what you’ve read here? Visit Dawn’s sister blog: Soul Horse Ride

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Copyright 2014

(Vintage family photographs courtesy of cousin Andy)

17 thoughts on “You Gotta Wanna

    1. DawnSeeker Post author

      Thanks, JF. Aren’t the photos wonderful! Grandma was the heart, the glue, of the family. (She was a Christian Scientist. A positive mind-over-matter type of gal. :))

      Happy Summer to you!


      1. JF

        There is a Christian Scientists’ church not far away from us. I visited it several times and was surprised that they did not have priests.
        Than I read a book written by the founder. If I remember correctly she was very interested in moral and physical health.


      1. Erik Conover

        I’m glad your husband enjoyed my post! Ah that is great, it’s a shame how it is the norm for people to take refuge behind phones, iPads to avoid social face to face conversation. There is nothing like great conversation with a fresh view and perspective


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